The ceremony is over, and it’s been the best day of your whole life and now you are anchored up in pretty bay miles from anywhere, the sun is setting in the background and you are both sipping champagne. Life doesn’t get any better than this, a honeymoon aboard a Coomera houseboat. As well as spending your honeymoon aboard a Coomera houseboat, some couples will hold the ceremony on the roomy top deck with a small group of guests, and then cruise away into the sunset on their own. Just depends on what your needs are. Honeymoons and Coomera Houseboats, a great marriage indeed.

Maps and Places

Maps And Places Explore our most amazing safe and natural cruising area One of the largest, safest and most sheltered…

Recommended Anchorages

Check out some of our Favourite Anchorages There are literally hundreds of anchorages in our cruising area and..

Fishing Hot Spots

The fishing & crabbing is great! One of the features of our magnificent cruising area is the abundant fish…

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