

There is no better person to give first hand tips and tricks for a Houseboat Holiday than the hirer themselves.

Please enjoy these stories, images and memorable moments captured and shared by our guests. Hopefully they will shed some insider knowledge for those considering or returning to hire a Houseboat and inspire the Skipper in all of us!

Let us go on a journey with James and his wife Geri, who have travelled four times in 2021 from Brisbane, on Dusk Breaker, Osprey, Getaway and Sapphire Lady. It is safe to say James and Geri are well seasoned Houseboat Captain now!


How many times have your hired a Houseboat?

Five trips so far and hopefully many more to come!

Which Houseboat from our fleet have you hired?

A couple of the boats from earlier trips are no longer part of the Coomera fleet, but more recently we’ve hired Getaway, Dusk Breaker, Osprey and Sapphire Lady. All are great boats, but I’d have to say Sapphire Lady suited us nicely for a trip with only a small group on board.

What is it about Houseboating that keeps you coming back?

I’ve always loved being out on the water. Houseboating really allows you to step away from the stresses of day to day life and find that peaceful place, while still having most of the mod cons to keep you comfortable. Days for me mostly revolve around eating, fishing, chatting and maybe a drink or two (or three). Exercise might not be high on the agenda each day, but surely a quick trip out in the dinghy to find some yabbies’ counts for something, right?

What is your most memorable Houseboating experience?

That’s a hard one – they’re all good.  A few memories really stand out, mostly of friends and family marveling at the wonderful waterways and wildlife north of the Gold Coast. Where else can you watch pods of dolphins swim past your home or feed bacon rinds to circling eagles? As a keen but not particularly talented fisherman, I can say I cherish every fish I land, but apparently I’m best at leaving all the good ones for others to catch!  

What is your favourite anchorage in our cruising ground?

Has to be Tiger Mullet… plenty of deep water, room to avoid other boats and a good yabbie bank exposed at low tide. Fishing can also be really good – just ask the locals who drift up and down the anchorage fishing in close to the mangroves or the ospreys that circle overhead.

What is your top tip for a first time Houseboat Hirer?

Don’t try to do too much – find a nice spot and enjoy it for a bit. From bitter experience, I’d also say don’t forget the jar of coffee (:-o) and if the dinghy outboard conks out you’ve probably left the valve on top of the petrol tank closed!
